Friday, February 24, 2017

Criticism #1

In the informal article, "Trump-Reagan parallels are scary, but not for the reasons critics think," the author, Tammy Bruce, informs American citizens that there are in fact comparisons between, newly inaugurated President Trump and former President Ronald Reagan when it comes to how this country welcomed and treated them into Presidency. Bruce illustrates that both Presidents were attacked by media, celebrities, and jealous politicians for personal reasons. It is also said that President Trump's mental health was even brought to question. Comparisons have been made between the current President and Adolf Hitler. President Trump has also been accused of being a fascist and a traitor. Bruce explains that these are all personal attacks meant to provoke harm. Bruce paints himself to be on the opposition side of threatening, emotionally, and even physically attacking the President, making the opinion that it is just resulting in making our country a toxic and hostile environment. The author proves his theory of our "toxic" nation caused by media attacks by reminding citizens of John Hinckley, who attempted to assassinate President Reagan to impress actress, Jodie Foster. His argument is that the overall media environment had become so toxic that a man believed shooting the President would not be looked down upon. Bruce connects this past event with a recent one that happened in Florida when a middle-schooler threw a piece of wood at the presidential motorcade. The author concludes the article by stating that the media should complain about the President. However, they should leave the personal attacks out of it because it will only make this country worse. To be honest, like many american citizens, I am not a huge fan of President Trump. However, I agree with the author. All of this negative energy from attacking the President will result in no good. There is no justice for personally and attempting to physically harm someone, no matter how you feel about them. People should be entitled to their own political opinion, but it does not need to result in fear and violence.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

President Trump's Executive Orders

On Thursday, February 9, 2017, Shadow Proof published an article titled Trump Executive Order Sets Agenda For Police To Further Criminalize Protestors.

In this article, Kevin Gosztola, the Managing Editor of Shadowproof Press, writes about the agenda that President, Donald Trump has set to criminalize protestors. This is a relevant article because of all the recent protests and riots such as the, "Women's March" that just took place after the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 21, 2017, all over America. Gosztola explains that the executive order is set to protect the country's law enforcement. Also, Gosztola informs citizens that this order will likely  have a "disproportionate" impact on Black Lives Matter Activists, Immigrant rights Activists, and Native Americans protesting against projects like the Dakota Access Pipeline. The Managing Editor also pulls statistics from the source, Officer Down Memorial, explaining that the average police deaths have actually decreased, proving the safety of police officers in recent years. A second executive order has been set to, "reduce crime in America." This addresses the high rate crimes, such as, drug trafficking. A third executive order was made to enforce federal law to combat "transnational criminal organizations" and prevent "international trafficking." The targeting of "transnational" crime is tied to the anti-immigrant and administration nativist politics. This proves the idea that most of the country's issues come from criminals outside the country and the U.S. needs to "purge the country of these individuals."